
We're Gonna Need a Montage...

Now that I am into my final 3 weeks before the big swim (weather permitting), I have started reminiscing about how truly awful I was in the water 14 months ago. I could swim 1 complete length of my local 33 metre pool before having to stop for a good minute or 2 to get my breath back. This had nothing to do with fitness, just terrible, terrible technique.

So I spent some of today watching this technique in great detail in the dvd's I got from Tri'n'swim WELL, and felt it necessary to make a video. This happens to me quite a lot.

The following video is intentionally cheesy. All classic 80's montage scenes are, so don't judge me...

Due to the Guardians of everything, I have had to change the soundtrack. Well done copyright, another master crime prevented.

Incidentally if you want to watch this with it's original soundtrack just press play on the bar below the film and mute the actual video. I'm an evil genius, who will shortly be in jail no doubt. This is far worse than the phone hacking scandal.

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